Yet Another Mobile Milestone
Every day it seems, we cross another threshold in the online world. We saw this one coming, but now it’s officially here.
Google just announced that more searches now take place on mobile devices than on computers. And it’s not just in the U.S., but in 10 countries that include Japan and most of Europe. To add even more emphasis to the importance of mobile, Google did NOT include tablets as mobile devices, only smartphones.
For marketers, this means two things:
- Google’s recent mobile-friendly algorithm update may as well be a giant message in the sky that says “Mobile is now the primary screen!”
- Content matters more now than ever before. Why? Because even Google admits that paid advertising on mobile platforms isn’t as effective as desktop ads.
In other words, organic results—based on solid content, smart keywords, long-tail phrases, descriptive page titles, good H1 tags, and rich media like video—are still the name of the game.
Not a shock, right? If you combine small screens, smart on-the-go users and a savviness that mentally blocks brazen attempts at interruption, it’s easy to see users want meaningful content.
“Google is a company built on intent and immediacy. Our mission has always been to connect people with what they are looking for in the exact moment they are looking.”
That’s Google VP Jerry Dischler talking—not in 2010 or last year, but yesterday. Don’t overthink what he’s saying.
Always consider the customer first…and be available where, when, and how they’re looking for you!